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Showing posts from December, 2022

2022 in the Rear Vision Mirror

Image: Mount Wellington with a waft of light cloud hanging low under the organ pipes  I thought I'd summarise the year as we approach Christmas and New Year, whilst changing over diaries. The minor things that make me happy, and the major things that do or don't. It all seems so calm at this time, Saturday 17th December 2022. Happy to have spent the last week in Sydney with Camille (or The Girl Not Known as Magnus Carlsen ), Harper and Alex, also Sarah with us for part of the time, and Roger, Joe, Chris, Mary up from Hobart - all for Beryl's funeral, and a weekend at Pete Mann's shack at Colo River, along with an informal dinner, getting to know Clem Leske Jnr - a good fellow. Missed the company of Rosie - always an asset in formal or informal social circumstances. We have had the benefit of sharing significant parts of the year in Hobart, Bruny, road trip to South Aust, in Sydney and in Vancouver/British Columbia, and adjacent territories. But the Sydney trip was just